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Standard RFQ

Submit RFQ to  Our turnaround time on most quotes is less than 72 hours.  Large and more complex quotes will take additional time.  We recommend submitting an RFQ with production jobs and tooling jobs that require more than 20 pcs. (per detail)

Time and Material Agreement

Submit purchase order and prints to with no pricing.  Saber runs the job(s) and calculates price after the job is complete based off Saber’s shop rate and material price.  We can provide our customers a print out of time on the job and material cost for transparency.  This eliminates the time spent on the RFQ process and reduces lead time on the work required.  We recommend this for jobs requiring less than 20 pcs (per detail) and needing a quick turnaround time.


$95 per hour

CAD Development/CNC Programming

$80 per hour

CNC Machine Time

$75 per hour

Manual Machine Time

$80 per hour

Assembly/Fixture Building

Material Vendor Price + 5% Saber Fee

Material Cost



Inspection Requirements 

*Inspection fees will be added to invoices for requirements that fall outside of our ISO certified first piece and in-process inspection process. This includes First Article Inspection (FAI) and Production Part Approval Process (PPAP).

$85 per hour


CAD Development

*Fees will be added to invoices if there is no CAD data available at the time of purchase order submission 

$95 per hour


In-Town (5 miles max) = $50

Out-of-Town (150 miles max) = $175


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